
The Great Saturday Book-Away #2

As promised, here is the weekly Book-Away. I realize I didn't post on Wednesday who the winner of the book was, but last week's book went into the mail yesterday. Ten points for me for getting it done! Yay. Well, this week we have another book. That is, we have a book if I can pry it from James' hands.

This week's book is pictured to the right of the text on hand. Lots of tried and true tips for those of you who are interested in simple living and/or sage advice from days gone by. You'll love Granny's comparison to liquor consumption and life expectancy!! Here are some more topics from the book...
  1. How to cleanse a feather bed...from my experience, it's difficult...
  2. How to preserve mock ginger
  3. How to destroy mice--you like that word: destroy??
  4. Receipt to make good shaving soap
Rhonda over at Celebrating My Time for God's Favor will receive last week's Green Consumer Guide. I hope you enjoy it, Rhonda. If you can, take a minute to go over and get to know her. Rhonda actually hails from a town around which I practically grew up. So, it was almost like sending a package to family!

So, if you're interested in Granny's tips, leave a comment in the post below. I will by some random or not method choose a recipient and post it on the blog sometime next week. How's that for vague? I like it...


Linda said...

This looks like an interesting book. Please enter my name for your give away.

threesidesofcrazy said...

Thanks for this chance. This looks like an awesome read. I love reading about old wives tales and tried and true hoe remedies. Please enter me in your giveaway!

kate said...

Vague is good! I am impressed with your getting the last book in the mail already. It's great that you are doing something about reducing excess stuff. I love that - unplugging the stuff machine.

Anonymous said...

If it's not too late, I'd like to put my name in. Granny's advice sounds like it might be useful!